Let’s Give Thanks

I haven’t written in a while, and there’s a reason for it (that I won’t get into here). But after celebrating Thanksgiving with some friends, it bears writing that despite what 2020 has brought us, we all have at least one thing to be grateful for.

As we gathered before sitting down to eat, my friend asked each of us to say one thing that we were thankful for. In a year that has seemingly presented me with more challenges than opportunities, I thought about it and realized that I should give thanks for the blessings I do have and can share with others. Of course, during these times of uncertainty, health and safety are a top priority. But there are small (and socially-distanced) offerings of time, talent and other intangible gifts that we can share to positively impact others.

We can check on the elderly. Call a parent, child or sibling just to say hello. Send a handwritten note to a distant friend. Rake leaves for a neighbor. Deliver a home-cooked meal to someone less fortunate. Offer to deliver groceries. Reach out to someone you see suffering and ask, “How can I help?”

Whether a giver or receiver, we could all use a feel-good moment. Small acts of kindness make a cloudy day a bit brighter. Doing a good deed can be contagious, and potentially affect an entire community. This holiday season, I want to express my gratitude for all who have shared their gifts with me this year. I am blessed to be surrounded by selfless friends and family who have shined a light on my path forward. I am grateful to each and every one of you.

As you reflect on the year, think about what intangible gifts you can offer others and share them. It–and you–can make a difference in someone else’s life.